


Vertreten durch:
Geschäftsinhaber/ Andreas Burger

Eingetragen am:
Luzern CH-100.1.793.628-0


Urheberrechtliche Hinweise
Andreas Burger/ andygreen

Verantwortlich für journalistisch-redaktionelle Inhalte ist:

Andreas Burger

Data Protection Statement of the «Winkee App»

In this Data Protection Statement, Winkee explains to what extent it processes personal data with regard to the use of the "Winkee App" (hereinafter app) in Switzerland. This account is not exhaustive; specific matters may be governed by other data protection statements, similar documents, terms and conditions of use, or applications.

The processing of personal data is governed by data protection legislation. The federal legislation on data protection is applicable to the data processing.

“Personal data” means all information relating to an identified or identifiable person. “Processing” means any operation with personal data, irrespective of the means applied and the procedure, and in particular the collection, storage, use, revision, disclosure, archiving or destruction of data.


The controller responsible for the data processing described herein is the following:
Andreas Burger
Philipp Grosswiler

Collection and processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is kept to a minimum. Data cannot be traced back by technical means to persons, locations or devices. This is protected by technical means against misuse. The app cannot draw any conclusions about the users of the app. The app protects users’ data in such a way that it cannot, at a distance, be connected to specific persons. Connection to a specific person cannot, however, be ruled out altogether. As a result of using the app, persons may thus potentially be identified.

When approaching another mobile phone with an active app, the app saves the profiles of the other mobile phones:


Profile Picture


Birth Year


Device Identifier


The exclusive purpose of the app and the associated data processing are, in a privacy-preserving manner, to find other users who are looking for new acquaintances using the app.

Data transfer 

The app has access to data only insofar as this is necessary for the purpose described and the activities of the employees concerned. They are bound by confidentiality in the management of the data.

Retention period

The data will be destroyed as soon as it is no longer required by the user, i.e. the app is being uninstalled.

Data security  

To protect data against unauthorised access, loss, or misuse, the app, in close collaboration with its internal and external hosting providers and other IT service providers, takes appropriate security measures of a technical (e.g. encryption, pseudonymisation, logging, access controls and restrictions, data backup, IT and network security solutions, etc.) and organisational nature (e.g. staff directives, confidentiality agreements, inspections, etc.) in accordance with the requirements of Swiss data protection legislation.

Rights of data subjects

With regard to your data, you have the right to information, rectification, erasure or disclosure. You also have the right to restrict or object to data processing. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent, without this affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. These rights are applicable insofar as personal data is present. For this reason, it is not possible for the app, for example, to provide information about the profiles logged for a specific person or to correct this data. The app cannot inspect this data, as it is stored only on the mobile phones.

The exercise of your rights requires that you provide clear evidence of your identity (e.g. a copy of identity documents). To assert your rights, you can contact the app at the address given in Section 1.

In the event of infringements of data protection legislation, you can contact the competent data protection supervisory authority or take legal action in accordance with the data protection legislation.

Other information 

Logs may be kept of users accessing the app and recording the user behavior for analytical purposes. The access events may be statistically analysed.


The app may amend this Data Protection Statement at any time without prior notice. The current published version, or the version valid for the period in question, is applicable. This Data Protection Statement has been issued in several languages.

In the event of discrepancies, the German version shall prevail. In the event of an update, the app user will be informed of the amendment in an appropriate manner.